Hi, i'm tatiana
AKA "Tat"
I'm a New York City native living my best expat life in Europe.
In August 2017 my husband and I made the biggest move of our lives. We packed our suitcases, left the comfort of our friends and family behind, and moved to Poland. Now you might be thinking 'Why Poland?'. Fair question! I will admit it does seem a bit random. However, my husband was actually born in Poland and always dreamed of moving back to his home country at some point. Ultimately a career opportunity provided us with the 'now or never' push we needed, and we decided that the time was right.
So, here I am.
I'm a meticulous planner, an expert multitasker, and can typically find myself prepared to tackle any situation life throws my way. However, while doing my research before moving to Poland, I had a tough time finding content on American expats living in Europe. I'm here to chronicle my experiences and share my story about life as an expat.